The Shortest History of the World (Flash Sale 2024) by David Baker | Black Inc.

The Shortest History of the World (Flash Sale 2024)

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About the author

David Baker

David Baker is a history and science writer for who holds the world's first PhD in Big History. He has delivered award-winning lectures at Macquarie University and the University of Amsterdam, is a visiting lecturer at the University …

More about David Baker

Praise for The Shortest History of the World (Flash Sale 2024)

‘This writing is brilliant.’ —John Green

‘It’s quite a feat to then fit this Big History into a ‘shortest history’.’ —Insights Magazine

‘The Shortest History of the World operates at such a vast scale that it cannot help but brush up against the eternal and the profound. —Kurt Johnson, The Sydney Morning Herald

‘inspires people to look more deeply at the world around them’ —Jasper Lindell, Eastern Riverina Chronicle

‘An interesting journey for those interested in a scientific narrative of time’ —David Ferrell, The Area News

‘The Shortest History of the World is a captivating exploration – through life, the universe and everything.’ —Rama Gaind, PS News

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