Ross Garnaut in conversation with Tim Flannery | Black Inc.
Ross Garnaut

Ross Garnaut in conversation with Tim Flannery

In the opening chapter of The Superpower Transformation, Ross Garnaut writes about the exciting opportunity offered Australia by the result of the 2022 federal election where for the first time in a decade power in both houses of parliament lies with those parties and independents--Labor, the Greens and the 'Teals'--who understand and are committed to action on the overwhelmingly most serious challenge of our century: catastrophic climate change.

"The reset offers great opportunity if we embrace it. Sustained full employment with rising incomes requires strong growth in investment and output in our export industries. Old paths are blocked by changes in our international environment, but these can be bypassed if Australia uses its natural and human resources to become the Superpower of the emerging low-carbon world economy."

Join Australia's most influential, original and forward-looking economist, Ross Garnaut, and our most eminent climate activist, scientist and author, Tim Flannery, in a conversation concerning the future not only of Australia but also of humankind.

Date:   Tuesday 25 October

Time:   5:00pm

Venue: Hosted by La Trobe University [online only]

Price:   This is a free event.