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Support #AuthorsForFireys
The Australian literary community has come together to raise funds for the firefighters working to fight this summer’s devastating bushfires.
Authors For Fireys is an auction of books, illustrations, unique experiences, one-off opportunities and writers’ services, taking place on Twitter under the hashtag #AuthorsForFireys. Auctions end at 11pm AEST on Saturday 11 January 2020. Find more information about the auctions and how to participate here.
We’ve compiled this list of Black Inc. and Nero authors who are participating, but this is just a small selection of the generous writers, editors, publishers, bookshops and libraries taking part.
We‘re auctioning a set of the beautiful Writers on Writers books for #AuthorsForFireys. Place a bid by replying to this tweet, and the highest bid at 11pm AEST on Saturday 11 January will win after donating to the CFA. More info:
— Black Inc. (@BlackIncBooks) January 5, 2020
We’re donating $2 to @ZoosVictoria’s Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund from every sale of NINJA BANDICOOTS AND TURBO-CHARGED WOMBATS made via our website until Sunday night. #vicfires @HazFly
— Nero (@Nero_Books) January 7, 2020
My #AuthorsForFireys offer:
— Benjamin Law 羅旭能 (@mrbenjaminlaw) January 5, 2020
• Signed copy of my entire back catalogue: The Family Law, Gaysia, Moral Panic 101 and Growing Up Queer in Australia.
• Given at a yum cha lunch on me in Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne
You can support the CFA directly here:
Pack 4: I’m adding a copy of Growing Up Disabled in Australia, signed by as many contributors as I can muster. Contributors include @Jordonsteele @JessHealyWalton @witchinguptales @_AstridEdwards_ @JessHealyWalton @fi_murphy_ This will be out in June. And bid! #AuthorsForFireys
— Carly Findlay (@carlyfindlay) January 8, 2020
My #AuthorsForFireys swag:
— Josephine Rowe (@josephinerowe) January 6, 2020
Signed US ed of Here Until August (like AU ed but longer wingspan)
+ 1st full typewritten draft of Anything Remarkable (w much marginalia & evidence of pathological indecision)
+ audio recording of any <2000 word story you choose, mine or someone else’s
#AuthorsForFireys For the winning Sydney bidder, I’ll bring 3 signed copies of my book to your house/venue, and stick around for an author talk about the book, feminism, patriarchy - the whole lot! Here’s what another amazing writer, Emily Maguire, has to say about it >
— Jess Hill (@jessradio) January 6, 2020
Pack 1: my memoir Say Hello & Growing Up African in Australia, & a one hour writing mentoring session by phone or in person (in Melbourne tram network).
— Carly Findlay (@carlyfindlay) January 6, 2020
Bids from pack one will go to the Country Fire Authority. - @CFA_Updates #AuthorsForFireys
THIS IS NOT A DRILL#AuthorsForFireys Item 3!
— Benjamin Law 羅旭能 (@mrbenjaminlaw) January 7, 2020
Come dine with Australia's most renowned homosexual and foremost literary icon ... as well as David Marr!
Assemble mates + bid by replying to this tweet.
For #AuthorsForFireys I’m putting up a set of 4 Aussie posters and 4 signed copies of my book Poster Boy thanks to @BlackIncBooks
— PeterDrewArts (@PeterDrewArts) January 7, 2020
Place your bid in the comments
Auction ends 11pm Sydney/Melbourne time on Saturday 11th Jan 2020
Donate directly here:
Amazing #AuthorsForFireys offer from Tara June-Winch:
— Benjamin Law 羅旭能 (@mrbenjaminlaw) January 8, 2020
Somehow (!), she has turned this Anna Hoyle illustration into a signed bundle. Win this stack of signed books by Ann Patchett, Julia Phillips, Anna Krien & (hopefully soon) Bernadine Evaristo.
Reply to bid! Closes Sat 11pm.
#AuthorsForFireys auction bundle: signed copies of Deep Time Dreaming & The China Breakthrough, as well as a copy of @AustBookReview Environment Issue, which features many wonderful writers on fires, Country & the climate emergency. To bid, reply below. All proceeds to the CFA.
— Billy Griffiths (@billy_griffiths) January 5, 2020
Joining the efforts of #AuthorsForFireys by offering a signed copy of Growing Up African Australian to the highest bidder.
— Nyadol Nyuon (@NyadolNyuon) January 7, 2020
You can support the CFA directly here:
My humble #AuthorsForFireys offering is a signed copy of Growing Up Queer in Australia. There are so many fantastic generous offers available on the hashtag. Please bid generously to support the CFA. #AustralianFires #AustraliaOnFire
— Alice Boyle (@AliceBwrites) January 6, 2020
As part of the amazing #AuthorsForFireys campaign, I'm auctioning four signed copies of Smashed Avocado. Place your bid in $AUD in the comments for a chance to win. Auction ends Jan 11 and all proceeds go to the CFA. Full details here
— nicolehaddow (@NicoleHaddow) January 7, 2020
As part of #AuthorsForFireys and to raise cash for the Victorian CFA please join @mrbenjaminlaw and me for breakfast in Sydney. We can call it a double-date even :)
— Prof Anita Heiss (@AnitaHeiss) January 6, 2020
The highest bidder (+1) by January 11 will get to start one day in 2020 with the two crazies pictured below.
The scale of #wildlife loss as #AustraliaBurns is heart-wrenching, but there is hope. My new @BlackIncBooks, Ninja Bandicoots & Turbo-Charged Wombats, tells of amazing work being done to save our #animals from extinction. A signed #authorsforwildlife copy is on offer: see thread
— Hazel Flynn (@HazFly) January 6, 2020
For #authorsforfireys I’m offering 5 signed copies of Curing Affluenza (that’s next yrs Xmas sorted early!) & my shout at the pub of your choice in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra or Hobart #auspol #australiafire
— Richard Denniss (@RDNS_TAI) January 7, 2020
And I’ll match the winning bid up to $5,000
#AuthorsForFireys Signed copies of these two as a job lot: auction ends 11 January.
— Frank Bongiorno (@fbongiornoanu) January 6, 2020
More of a Twitter watcher than contributor...(we’re over on insta @grovermcbane) BUT I am taking part in the #authorsforfireys auction!
— clairegarth (@clairegarth2) January 5, 2020
I’ll be donating a SIGNED SET of the #grovermcbane series and an AUTHOR TALK at any school in Sydney (*date tbc)
Auction ends 11pm Jan 11
#AuthorsForFireys I offer for auction a Fire and Ice package of signed books: 'Forests of Ash', 'Living with Fire', 'The Art of Time Travel' (how to escape!), and then a welcome dose of Antarctic ice, 'Slicing the Silence'. End time is 11pm AEST on 11/1/20), bid by reply
— Tom Griffiths (@tomrgriffiths) January 5, 2020